Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week 8

Feedback presentation for Communication

The overall feedback we received from Russell and Nichole was good, the presentation covered most of the significance of communications, but our presentation mainly focused on explain the topic communication and missed how it impacted us as a group although we only made a little connection.

Our communication system is poor as networking method does not have a team leader, everyone is doing their own things which is shown in our presentation some of the contents are repeated. After the feedback was given we have elected a team leader in our group to ensure everyone won’t overlap each other’s work, this way the hierarchy system can benefit our group with our working process and to be more efficient.

There was a video that we didn't playing in the presentation due to technically issues, I have already uploaded my slides and the video is include in my blog(click here for the link).
There were questions at the end of our presentation from fellow classmates and Russell about how this relates back to our group and I answered the question with our working experience that actually happened because the way we change how we communicate however we didn't include most of the experiences in the presentation.

Another important question raised was how we can communication can improve our product. Our aim was to give the best we could to complete the project to do that we ensure that we will finish the product 2 weeks before its due date, so we can have a prototype for the client and our classmates to test and machine, if any problem spot it or areas that can improve our product we still have time to make adjustments and improve our product.

Work process 

By this I still cant integrate the arduino chip with UR4 and Elliot in my group is also working on it as this is one of the main process we have to get through.

I personal messaged the other guy who is working with arduino and UE but he seem to be doing something different, also he is from american our timezone is different and very difficult for us to have a real time conversation.

I also look at more youtube tutorial which might help testing before next week and hopefully can integrate arduino into UE4 by week 9

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 7


Feedback for group presentation 1

  • overall presentation was good through the use of Prezi
  • a lot of diagrams to explain the informations
  • their related their project back to their topic
  • provided group working progress and everyone seems to understand what they have to go
  • nice and short video
  • Have no team leader everyone is working among themselves 
  • The video was fast but there are a lot of big paragraph writings, long time on those slides might be better
How our group work progress can benefit from planning
  • we also need a team leader use the hierarchy structure for our team
  • at the moment we are currently completing our project on time and estimate to have a final model to be completed by week 11 but implementing timeline could help us to keep our working process more accurate
After the presentation group 1 has delivered we had another group meeting about the presentation for our group and discussed how our presentation can improve from the comments Russell and Nichole has given the group 1, we also spoke to Nichole about the content for our presentation to confirm if our information are necessary as well as the connections we can make toward our group working progress.

Work process

This week I got a Arduino UNO kit to myself and I found some coding last week that I tired to complied into Arduino processor however it failed. Here some some of the error messages.

Set 1.

Arduino: 1.6.2 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"

prototypered.ino:20:19: fatal error: tchar.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

Error compiling.

  This report would have more information with
  "Show verbose output during compilation"
  enabled in File > Preferences.

Set 2

Arduino: 1.6.2 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"

UnoJoyArduinoSample.ino:2:20: fatal error: UnoJoy.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

Error compiling.

  This report would have more information with
  "Show verbose output during compilation"
  enabled in File > Preferences.

Set 3

Arduino: 1.6.2 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"

Sketch uses 450 bytes (1%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes.

Global variables use 9 bytes (0%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2,039 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM1": The system cannot find the file specified.

Problem uploading to board.  See for suggestions.

  This report would have more information with
  "Show verbose output during compilation"
  enabled in File > Preferences.

Similar results of error of missing files and one of them cannot be uploaded 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 6

Presentation for Communications 

I did some research over the holidays for the presentation that we have selected a topic on which is Communication and how it relates the our group.

My roles was to have an introduction of communication which in our case just a definition  and I have completed the first 6 slides.

I have researched about the history side of the evolution of technologies in the context of communication and i have selected a few event that I thought its important. As well as the impacts of digital communication in general and I came across a video that I have include in our group presentation about how technology advanced devices impacted us negatively.

Here are the Slides i made with speaker notes

so according to the oxford dictionaries the definition of Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

give a little insight of how communications have changed over time, and we selected a few hugh events that happened during the evolution of communication because of the advancement in technology
1. early stage of communication where theres no electrical devices mail, pigeon post, horns, fire and smoke signals.
2. basic electrical devices are introduced in 1876 telephone
3. then moved onto wireless cellular mobiles
4.then invention of internet and WWW was launched quickly in 1991 1992 first SMS(short message service) was sent from a mobile phone 1995 first VOIP service was up and allow people to communicate online using voice technology has interfere with communicate it rapidly introduced many new devices and networks with in short time frame
todays social network or application which contains instant messaging system was actaully first launched in 1996
8. Skype in 2003 introduced internet telephony

Introduction of technology has affected the way we communicate, the electronic communicating devices have both positive and negative affects
here are some of positive effects.
  • different ways of communicating email, sms, video call, (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • with the use of these electronics allow people to communicate instantly (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • the technology advances brought the world together into a screen and easier for long distance (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • actually cheaper to use electronics to communicate as its reduced from the cost of deliveries and paper(LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • more reliable can be save and retrieve (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)

There are a lot of advantages of digital communication however there are also negative impacts from the technology advances.
  • lack of privacy talking over the internet, insecure applications and networks allow other people to read the emails or SMS u send  (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • allow user to stay connect mobily however it can be dangerous, distracting driver or distracts people from work, study or other important things(LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • different forms of communication are sometimes misused, virus and hackers can be harmful, malware (LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)
  • lack of values of the information youre actually trying to send, technology are still limited when a person is transformed into a avatar or display picture. lack of emotions, body languages, meanings.(LINK BACK TO OUR GROUP! HOW?)

This video talk about how technologies has impacted the way we communicate differently.

Original Link To View Presentation Slides.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Week 5


This week at the end of the lecture Russell delivered we were allocated a topic for the next group presentation. The topic we were allocated was "Communication".

The Themes of collaboration are:
1. Planning
2. Communication
3. Intellectual Property
4. Conflict
5. Remuneration

Individual Major Milestone
I have played around with the Arduino microprocessor and UE4 I watch a few tutorials on Youtube to integrate them both together.

I came across this video which has similar input and outputs to our group project so I got his email and emailed him about the project we working or and asked him about how he did it and requested instructions.

At the same time other member of my team are further developing the coding and Arduino processor I was unable to test the chip and software together, however I have an basic understanding of how to do and I also did further research how the developer did it.

Also i have made contact to Omar Developer which he integrated Arduino to UE4 having similar aims of what we are doing. However he didn't reply to me, BUT another user thats seeking for help actually replied me and gave me a link.

Evidences of work

 I commented on the post in his google circle that I found from his Youtube Channel

Following the link from the other party, looking at the interesting tutorial it might actually be what we are looking for.

Program interface actually looks simply and like grasshopper coding plugin as wells as its run in Unreal.